Programs & Curriculums
A good daycare and nursery school should provide a lot more than just a baby sitting service. We believe that the process of learning and acquiring knowledge begins soon after birth and continues through life. No child is too young for learning. At Learning Tree Academy, we have designed age-appropriate curricula to stimulate each child’s cognitive, motor, social and communicative development. A specially designed progress report tracks such development and sets goals for the staff and the students. The parents receive these progress reports twice a year, the end of each semester, to keep them abreast of their child’s achievements. A daily report, “What I Did Today”, is provided to inform the parents about their child’s daily activities.
We incorporate activities that not only provide a lot of fun, but stimulate his/her learning and create a positive self image and self esteem.
Learning Tree Academy provides a safe, caring environment for the infants. In this environment, they can develop their motor and cognitive skills. The room has multiple shelving units with developmental toys for the children to explore. There is plenty of space for the children to begin their journey of independence by taking their first walking steps. They sing songs, listen to stories, and joyfully play games with the providers. They have comfortable, cozy, feel safe areas where they can just relax and enjoy quiet time. There is an open communication between parents and staff and all the parents questions and/or concerns are taken seriously and respectfully.
In the Toddler Room the children’s table and social manners are reinforced. Sharing and caring are operative words in that room as well as the magical words “please” and “thank you”. The children are taught to recognize letters, numbers, and shapes. All special projects are geared to enforce their learning potential. The children delight in their yoga and music classes as well as the many other special activities prepared for them. Weather permitting the children enjoy play time in a spacious, fenced-in yard. When the children cannot do outdoor activities, they have fun doing their indoor “toddlercises”.
The children enjoy Circle Time where they discuss the weather, calendar, and daily programs. They participate in activities that help to develop their fine motor skills. They have a great time enjoying the learning centers, dressing in costumes, and letting their imaginations take them to interesting places. The staff works very hard to help the parents potty train their children which is a major step in their developmental skills.
The children start the day with Circle Time where they are introduced to theme related concepts such as weather, the calendar, letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. They work on many different activities to reinforce their work habits, listening skills, and social and emotional skills. They exercise their minds in the computer classes and their bodies in the Zumba classes.
The Pre-K4 class is the major stepping stone to Kindergarten. Our certified teacher taught Kindergarten and, therefore, has an excellent program which prepares the children for the tasks ahead. In the Pre-K4 class the children not only work on their academic curriculum, but they also focus on their self-reliance skills, reading and math readiness skills, and listening and speaking skills as well. In June, the children very excitedly prepare for their formal graduation. They look adorable in their caps and gowns as they process in the room to receive their diplomas during the graduation exercise program. The Pre-K4 has a challenging, fun, and rewarding program that the children love!